I tried dancing today and it felt really good. I never dance and I feel this has to do with why I feel so stuck outside my body.
But today, when I practiced moving, I felt moments of groundedness. I rekindled feelings of my power in my legs and moved through elements of the goddess pose to work to awaken my hips and sacral chakra.
Movement is one of the best ways to process emotion in the hips. Aside from dancing, there are various other forms of movement that can be effective such as:
- Yoga and stretching
- Somatic Exercises like rolfing and shaking
- Qi Gong, Tai Chi, and even African Dance
Anything that gets your body (and your hips) moving can help with creating movement and awareness in the body.
I’d been avoiding dancing subconsciously for a while but it’s definitely something that I need to incorporate into my day, even if just for 5 minutes.
I’ve been doing yoga for a long time but there’s something about dancing that is more visceral and immediate – and free-flowing – than yoga.
Don’t get me wrong: yoga and stretching is something I love to and do it daily but letting your body flow – especially the hips – is quite empowering and I’m curious to see where it leads.