Microdosing: Day 3

I took my second capsule this morning with some water and black coffee. I didn’t notice anything in particular in terms of my mood. I attempted to record a song I was working on and…

Microdosing: Day 1

Today was day one of microdosing psilocybin. I took a 250mg vegan capsule around 10 am ( Medicinal Ingredients/Active Psilocybin: 200mg; Sceletium Tortuosum: 100mg; Ashwagandha Extract: 50mg ) after doing my morning routine. I didn’t…

Don’t Be Afraid to Feel

Don’t be afraid to feel. Don’t be ashamed. Don’t grasp at anything at all. Just let yourself feel. Allow the feeling to take you down its vortex. Stay present to the feeling; don’t get lost…

The Lens of Observation, Judgment

The opportunity given to those second to act, (in my case, being the youngest of two brothers) is the ability to observe others before you. All my life, I’ve used the lens of observation. As…