Microdosing: Day 10

Microdosing psilocybin seems to me, at least, to act as a sort of life-preserver against being dragged under by negative thoughts. Fewer negative thoughts arise during microdosing, and the most stubborn thoughts (in my case,…

Microdosing: Day 9

Day 9 of microdosing and day 2 of my fast! Again, no noticeable effects of the psychedelics. My mood has been stable throughout the day. The only difference is that I’m thinking about food a…

Microdosing: Day 8

Mushroom micro-dosing does not make your “issues” disappear but it may offer a bridge to better dismantle them and shrink their power over you. That’s because, in response to your pre-conditioned trigger, your own reaction…

Microdosing: Day 7

Dosed again today after 2 days off. No noticeable alterations in consciousness (which is to be expected). Feelings of general wellbeing and calmness remain. It’s really quite remarkable, the feeling of general contentment and the…

Microdosing: Day 6

I decided I would deviate from my plan and forego a dose today. I wanted to see how I’d feel by going one more day without dosing (that’s two days off according to my math)….

Microdosing: Day 5

I want to say that I think there are hold-over effects of the psilocybin from the day before, as today I didn’t dose. Today, I felt much the same as I felt the day before….

Microdosing: Day 4

Day fouuuuuuur! So I went off book today and dropped a pill in the morning (can I say dropped?). I figured this was okay as there really are no rules around it, only suggestions, guidelines…

Microdosing: Day 3

I took my second capsule this morning with some water and black coffee. I didn’t notice anything in particular in terms of my mood. I attempted to record a song I was working on and…

Microdosing: Day 2

Day 2 of my microdosing adventure and today’s schedule calls for no capsule. That’s based on an every other day approach that I was introduced to by the procurers of these capsules. That said, my…